Monday, November 1, 2010

We dont waste no precious time or wait for anyone to do anything for us! Staying Independent even though we're signed

As you know we are signed and people say man yall are on!!!! You dont have to do anything anymore...But fortunately we werent raised that way. Our parents always taught us that if we want something, we have to go get it ourselves! We have stuck with that mentality for ever since we can remember. The label and management do a lot but we dont just expect them to do everything for us. Of course they play a huge role in booking shows, studio time, promotion and financial support but who says we can't book our shows..In a collective effort we are booked solid in the month of November. Hard work really does pay off people and it feels so much better when you do things on your own. Keep that in mind when u feel yourself sort of depending on others. Independence is the key!


Unknown said...

Keep grinding my dudes I see you it does pay off dont ever stop working ricache Approve we going in